Friday, December 17, 2010

9 Months

Wow, it's gone by fast! Jed is 9 months old already! He had has 9 month check with the pediatrician yesterday and he's doing great. Everything is normal and healthy.

His measurements were:
Weight: 20 lbs 8 ozs 49% centile
Length: 29.8 inches 91% centile
Head: 17.6 inches 37% centile

The milestone chart they sent home with us says, " ...will begin to get opinionated about such things as what foods to eat and when to go to sleep. Occasionally, these opinions turn into protests..." and we thought no, no problem with that yet. Funny because that very night when we put him to bed he cried and cried. He never does that! He always takes his pacifier and little tag blanket, rolls over and goes to sleep when we lay him in his crib. Not last night! He cried until MIDNIGHT!! :) What a trooper. Stubborn like his mom and not giving in for anything! Gave him a bottle when he woke up around 6:30 and he went back to sleep until 11:30 this morning. Now he's back to crying in his bed over nap time. Guess we're in for it.