Sunday, June 19, 2011

Things Jed loves at 15 Months

Makes lots of noise, but still doesn't say many actual words. He says uh oh, hi and hi Boo. He says "Uh oh!" whenever he drops something or something falls. He'll wave good bye, sometimes on prompting, sometimes not, but he won't say bye bye. A couple of times I swear he says Daddy, but I can't get him to repeat it or say it in front of Dad. He says, "Hi Boo" sometimes in the morning when he sees Boo and will pat him gently on the head. He still loves to bug Boo and Boo is surprisingly gentle with him. Maybe because he recognizes and respects Jed as a food source? :)

Loves to play on the couches, jumping and climbing over the pillows, etc. He thinks its the funnest thing and always worries dad and mom that he'll fall. He throws a tantrum if he wants up and you don't help him. He can almost climb up himself, but not quite, unless he has a pillow to stand on or something to hold onto to help him up.

His has two favorite things to play with. First thing is a broken Swiffer Jet mop that our neighbors left outside. Every time we go out he makes a beeline for it. He carries it all around and "sweeps" the sidewalk with it with a big grin on his face. When its time to go inside and I have to take it away from him he screams. He loves the brooms inside the house too. The second thing he loves to play with is his little tool box. He's so smart with it and knows what to do with the hammer and screw driver. He'll bring the piece of wood to you with the nails and hammer so you can help him. Or he'll put the screw driver in the top hole of the nails or through the holes in the wood piece and turn it.

Jed still loves to unload things, but now he has discovered loading also. He is very methodical, putting things in whatever he can, one at a time and if there is a lid or door he will open and shut it in between each thing he puts inside. Whenever something is missing we will check trash cans, laundry baskets, toy boxes and anything else we can find that he could have put something in. Lately his favorite thing is to put his toys in Boo's crate. It's especially cute because he opens and shuts the door in between each toy. The other day he crawled inside with them and shut the door.

He's starting to throw little tantrums when he doesn't get what he wants. Mostly we just laugh and ignore him because its usually over silly little things.

Still sleeps through the night, usually from between 7-8pm to 8am. Sometimes we're lucky and he sleeps in until 9! He will sometimes take two 2 hour naps a day, but other days he'll take a 3 hour one in the middle of the day. He's easier to keep up if we have somewhere to go, unless its somewhere like church where he needs to be reverent, then that's impossible.

He is a very friendly little boy. He flirts with everyone when we're out, flashing them his charming gap-toothed grin. He'll go up to total strangers and hold out his arms for them to pick him up, as long as he can see that mom or dad is close by still.

At his 15 month check he measured 31 inches long and 25 lbs. He is still in the 5oth percentile for weight, but his height has slowed down from in the 90th to the 69th.

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